Welcome to the new Phish Poll 2001! Just select from the options below, then click on "Submit". When you're finished, be sure to check out the new Lot Shirt section!
You can check out the results of the last poll here.

Results for this poll will be posted shortly, and updated throughout the year.

What is your favorite Phish CD?

What are your favorite Phish songs?
(Including Covers. Abbreviations are fine, except for SOAM. Instead use SOAMule, Mule or Melt, SOAMelt, etc.)


What is your LEAST favorite Phish song?

How long have you been listening to Phish?

How many Phish shows have you been to?

What is your favorite venue?

If your favorite venue isn't included above, what is it?

What is your LEAST favorite venue?

What song would you like to see performed live MORE often?

What song would you like to see performed live LESS often?

What/when was your favorite show ever? (date, e.g. 12/31/99)

Click the button below to submit!


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